Date: 24 February 2022
Please be advised that:
Due to the extreme market volatility and sharp price movements we are experiencing in Russian Ruble, the margin requirements on all RUB FX pairs have been changed as follows:
Home / FORSKNING OCH UTBILDNING / Financial Tools / Notiser
**** IMPORTANT: 2025 Contracts Expiry Calendar ****
Date: 12 December 2024
Upcoming Holiday: New Year’s Day 2025
Instrument | Tuesday, December 31 | Wednesday, January 01 | Thursday, January 02 |
Equities | Regular | Closed | Regular |
HOIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | Closed | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COPP | Regular | Closed | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | Closed | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Closed | Regular |
VIX | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COFFEE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
CORN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RICE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
NQ100 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
UK_OIL | 03:00-22:00 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
Date: 11 December 2024
Upcoming Holiday: Christmas 2024
Instrument | Tuesday, December 24 | Wednesday, December 25 | Thursday, December 26 |
Equities | 16:30-20:00 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
HOIL | 01:00-20:45 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
RBOB | 01:00-20:45 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
PALLAD | 01:00-20:45 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
COPP | 01:00-20:45 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
PLAT | 01:00-20:45 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | 01:00-20:45 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
RUSS | 01:00-20:15 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
USNDX | 01:00-20:45 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
VIX | 01:00-20:15 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
COCOA | 11:45-20:05 (Early close) | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late open) |
COFFEE | 11:15-20:05 (Early close) | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late open) |
COTT2 | 04:00-20:05 (Early close) | Closed | 14:30-21:20 (Late open) |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late open) |
CORN | 03:00-15:45, 16:30-20:05 (Early close) | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
WHEAT | 03:00-15:45, 16:30-20:05 (Early close) | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
LCATT | 16:30-20:15 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
RICE | 16:30-20:05 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN | 03:00-15:45, 16:30-20:05 (Early close) | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
NQ100 | 01:00-20:00 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
SPX500 | 01:00-20:00 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
WS30 | 01:00-20:00 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
US_OIL | 01:00-20:30 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
XNGUSD | 01:00-20:30 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
UK_OIL | 03:00-22:00 (Early close) | Closed | Regular |
Date: 12 February 2024
Upcoming Holiday: US Presidents’ Day 2024
Instrument | Friday, February 16 | Monday, February 19 | Tuesday, February 20 |
Equities | Regular | Closed | Regular |
HOIL | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COPP | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | 01:00-21:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Regular | Regular |
VIX | Regular | 01:00-18:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regula |
COFFEE | Regular | Closed | Regula |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regula |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regula |
CORN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RICE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
NQ100 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | 01:00-21:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | 01:00-21:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
UK_OIL | Regular | 01:00-21:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
Date: 12 January 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 14 of January 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-JAN24 | 14/01/2024 | 19/01/2024 | HANG-FEB24 |
IBEX-JAN24 | 14/01/2024 | 19/01/2024 | IBEX-FEB24 |
VIX-JAN24 | 14/01/2024 | 17/01/2024 | VIX-FEB24 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 27 December 2023
Upcoming Holiday: New Year’s Day 2024
Instrument | Friday, December 29 | Monday, January 01 | Tuesday, January 02 |
Equities | Regular | Closed | Regular |
HOIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | Closed | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COPP | Regular | Closed | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | Closed) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Closed | Regular |
VIX | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regula |
COFFEE | Regular | Closed | Regula |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regula |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regula |
CORN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RICE | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
NQ100 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
UK_OIL | 03:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Closed | Regular |
Date: 22 December 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 24 of December 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-DEC23 | 24/12/2023 | 28/12/2023 | HANG-JAN24 |
MSCIS-DEC23 | 24/12/2023 | 29/12/2023 | MSCIS-MAR24 |
COPP-DEC23 | 24/12/2023 | 27/12/2023 | COPP-MAR24 |
LCATT-DEC23 | 24/12/2023 | 29/12/2023 | LCATT-FEB24 |
PALLAD-DEC23 | 24/12/2023 | 27/12/2023 | PALLAD-MAR24 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 18 December 2023
Upcoming Holiday: Christmas 2023
Instrument | Friday, December 22 | Monday, December 25 | Tuesday, December 26 |
Equities | Regular | Closed | Regular |
HOIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | Closed | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COPP | Regular | Closed | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | Closed) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Closed | Regular |
VIX | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late Open) |
COFFEE | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late Open) |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | 14:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:00 (Late Open) |
CORN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RICE | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
NQ100 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
UK_OIL | 03:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Closed | Regular |
Date: 15 December 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 17 of December 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
JSE-DEC23 | 17/12/2023 | 21/12/2023 | JSE-MAR24 |
RTS-DEC23 | 17/12/2023 | 21/12/2023 | RTS-JAN24 |
USNDX-DEC23 | 17/12/2023 | 18/12/2023 | USNDX-MAR24 |
VIX-DEC23 | 17/12/2023 | 21/12/2023 | VIX-JAN24 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 08 December 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 10 of December 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-DEC23 | 10/12/2023 | 15/12/2023 | AEX-JAN24 |
IBEX-DEC23 | 10/12/2023 | 15/12/2023 | IBEX-JAN24 |
RUSS-DEC23 | 10/12/2023 | 15/12/2023 | RUSS-MAR24 |
SPMIB-DEC23 | 10/12/2023 | 15/12/2023 | SPMIB-MAR24 |
CORN-DEC23 | 10/12/2023 | 14/12/2023 | CORN-MAR24 |
WHEAT-DEC23 | 10/12/2023 | 14/12/2023 | WHEAT-MAR24 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 24 November 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 26 of November 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-NOV23 | 26/11/2023 | 29/11/2023 | HANG-DEC23 |
HOIL-DEC23 | 26/11/2023 | 30/11/2023 | HOIL-JAN24 |
RBOB-DEC23 | 26/11/2023 | 30/11/2023 | RBOB-JAN24 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 17 November 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 19 of November 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
COTT-DEC23 | 19/11/2023 | 22/11/2023 | COTT-MAR24 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 10 November 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 12 of November 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-NOV23 | 12/11/2023 | 17/11/2023 | AEX-DEC23 |
IBEX-NOV23 | 12/11/2023 | 17/11/2023 | IBEX-DEC23 |
VIX-NOV23 | 12/11/2023 | 16/11/2023 | VIX-DEC23 |
COCOA-DEC23 | 12/11/2023 | 15/11/2023 | COCOA-MAR24 |
COFFE-DEC23 | 12/11/2023 | 31/10/2023 | COFFE-MAR24 |
RICE-NOV23 | 12/11/2023 | 14/11/2023 | RBOB-JAN24 |
SBEAN-NOV23 | 12/11/2023 | 14/11/2023 | SBEAN-JAN24 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 27 October 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 29 of October 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-OCT23 | 29/10/2023 | 30/10/2023 | HANG-NOV23 |
HOIL-NOV23 | 29/10/2023 | 31/10/2023 | HOIL-DEC23 |
LCATT-OCT23 | 29/10/2023 | 31/10/2023 | LCATT-DEC23 |
RBOB-NOV23 | 29/10/2023 | 31/10/2023 | RBOB-DEC23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 20 October 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 22 of October 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
PLAT-OCT23 | 22/10/2023 | 27/10/2023 | PLAT-JAN24 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 13 October 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 15 of October 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-OCT23 | 15/10/2023 | 20/10/2023 | AEX-NOV23 |
IBEX-OCT23 | 15/10/2023 | 20/10/2023 | IBEX-NOV23 |
VIX-OCT23 | 15/10/2023 | 19/10/2023 | VIX-NOV23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 22 September 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 24 of September 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-SEP23 | 24/09/2023 | 28/09/2023 | HANG-OCT23 |
MSCIS-SEP23 | 24/09/2023 | 29/09/2023 | MSCIS-DEC23 |
COPP-SEP23 | 24/09/2023 | 27/09/2023 | COP-DEC23 |
HOIL-OCT23 | 24/09/2023 | 29/09/2023 | HOIL-NOV23 |
PALLAD-SEP23 | 24/09/2023 | 27/09/2023 | PALLAD-DEC23 |
RBOB-OCT23 | 24/09/2023 | 29/09/2023 | RBOB-NOV23 |
SUG11-OCT23 | 24/09/2023 | 29/09/2023 | SUG11-DEC23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 15 September 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 17 of September 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
JSE-SEP23 | 17/09/2023 | 21/09/2023 | JSE-DEC23 |
RTS-SEP23 | 17/09/2023 | 21/09/2023 | RTS-DEC23 |
USNDX-SEP23 | 17/09/2023 | 18/09/2023 | USNDX-DEC23 |
VIX-SEP23 | 17/09/2023 | 20/09/2023 | VIX-OCT23 |
COTT2-OCT23 | 17/09/2023 | 22/09/2023 | COTT2-DEC23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 09/08/2023
Please be advised that:
As of 09/10/2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
IBEX-SEP23 | 9/10/2023 | 9/15/2023 | IBEX-OCT23 |
AEX-SEP23 | 9/10/2023 | 9/15/2023 | AEX-OCT23 |
RUSS-SEP23 | 9/10/2023 | 9/15/2023 | RUSS-DEC23 |
SPMIB-SEP23 | 9/10/2023 | 9/15/2023 | SPMIB-DEC23 |
CORN-SEP23 | 9/10/2023 | 9/14/2023 | CORN-OCT23 |
RICE-SEP23 | 9/10/2023 | 9/14/2023 | RICE-OCT23 |
SBEAN-SEP23 | 9/10/2023 | 9/14/2023 | SBEAN-OCT23 |
WHEAT-SEP23 | 9/10/2023 | 9/14/2023 | WHEAT-OCT23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 29 August 2023
Upcoming Holiday: US Labor Day 2023
Instrument | Friday, September 01 | Monday, September 04 | Tuesday, September 05 |
Equities | Regular | Closed | Regular |
HOIL | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COPP | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Regular | Regular |
VIX | Regular | 01:00-18:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COFFEE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regula |
CORN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | Regularr |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RICE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
NQ100 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
UK_OIL | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
Date: 25 August 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 27 of August 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-AUG23 | 27/08/2023 | 30/08/2023 | HANG-SEP23 |
HOIL-SEP23 | 27/08/2023 | 31/08/2023 | HOIL-OCT23 |
LCATT-AUG23 | 27/08/2023 | 31/08/2023 | LCATT-OCT23 |
RBOB-SEP23 | 27/08/2023 | 31/08/2023 | RBOB-OCT23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 18 August 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 20 of August 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
COFFE-SEP23 | 20/08/2023 | 22/08/2023 | COFFE-DEC23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 11 August 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 13 of August 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
IBEX-AUG23 | 13/08/2023 | 18/08/2023 | IBEX-SEP23 |
VIX-AUG23 | 13/08/2023 | 16/08/2023 | VIX-SEP23 |
COCOA-SEP23 | 13/08/2023 | 17/08/2023 | COCOA-DEC23 |
SBEAN-AUG23 | 13/08/2023 | 14/08/2023 | SBEAN-SEP23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 04 August 2023
Please be advised that:
as of Monday, August 7, the following maximum exposure limits per client will apply:
Maximum Exposures on Securities:
Security | Max_Exposure |
Equities Europe | 100000 |
Equities US | 100000 |
Crypto fx hour | 100000 |
Exceptions on specific assets:
Security | Max_Exposure |
LVMH | 250000 |
250000 | |
MSFT | 250000 |
BTC* | 250000 |
XNGUSD. | 250000 |
Date: 28 July 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 30 of July 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
RBOB-AUG23 | 30/07/2023 | 31/07/2023 | RBOB-SEP23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 21 July 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 23 of July 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-JUL23 | 23/07/2023 | 28/07/2023 | HANG-AUG23 |
COPP-JUL23 | 23/07/2023 | 27/07/2023 | COPP-SEP23 |
HOIL-AUG23 | 23/07/2023 | 31/07/2023 | HOIL-SEP23 |
PLAT-JUL23 | 23/07/2023 | 27/07/2023 | PLAT-OCT23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 14 July 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 16 of July 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-JUL23 | 16/07/2023 | 21/07/2023 | AEX-AUG23 |
IBEX-JUL23 | 16/07/2023 | 21/07/2023 | IBEX-AUG23 |
VIX-JUL23 | 16/07/2023 | 19/07/2023 | VIX-AUG23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 07 July 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 09 of July 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
CORN-JUL23 | 09/07/2023 | 14/07/2023 | CORN-SEP23 |
RICE-JUL23 | 09/07/2023 | 14/07/2023 | RICE-SEP23 |
SBEAN-JUL23 | 09/07/2023 | 14/07/2023 | SBEAN-AUG23 |
WHEAT-JUL23 | 09/07/2023 | 14/07/2023 | WHEAT-SEP23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 28 June 2023
Upcoming Holiday: US Independence Day 2023
Instrument | Monday, July 03 | Tuesday, July 04 | Wednesday, July 05 |
Equities | Regular | Closed | Regular |
HOIL | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COPP | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Regular | Regular |
VIX | Regular | 01:00-18:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COFFEE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regula |
CORN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RICE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
NQ100 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
UK_OIL | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
Date: 23 June 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 25 of June 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-JUN23 | 25/06/2023 | 29/06/2023 | HANG-JUL23 |
MSCIS-JUN23 | 25/06/2023 | 29/06/2023 | MSCIS-SEP23 |
HOIL-JUL23 | 25/06/2023 | 30/06/2023 | HOIL-AUG23 |
LCATT-JUN23 | 25/06/2023 | 30/06/2023 | LCATT-AUG23 |
PALLAD-JUN23 | 25/06/2023 | 28/06/2023 | PALLAD-SEP23 |
RBOB-JUL23 | 25/06/2023 | 30/06/2023 | RBOB-AUG23 |
SUG-JUL23 | 25/06/2023 | 30/06/2023 | SUG-OCT23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 16 June 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 18 of June 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
USNDX-JUN23 | 18/06/2023 | 19/06/2023 | USNDX-SEP23 |
VIX-JUN23 | 18/06/2023 | 21/06/2023 | VIX-JUL23 |
COFFE-JUL23 | 18/06/2023 | 21/06/2023 | COFFE-SEP23 |
COTT2-JUL23 | 18/06/2023 | 23/06/2023 | COTT2-OCT23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 12 June 2023
Upcoming Holiday: US Juneteenth 2023
Instrument | Friday, June 16 | Monday, June 19 | Tuesday, June 20 |
Equities | Regular | Closed | Regular |
HOIL | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COPP | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Regular | Regular |
VIX | Regular | 01:00-18:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COFFEE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regula |
CORN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RICE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
NQ100 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
UK_OIL | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
Date: 09 June 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 11 of June 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-JUN23 | 11/06/2023 | 16/06/2023 | AEX-JUL23 |
IBEX-JUN23 | 11/06/2023 | 16/06/2023 | IBEX-JUL23 |
JSE-JUN23 | 11/06/2023 | 15/06/2023 | JSE-SEP23 |
RTS-JUN23 | 11/06/2023 | 15/06/2023 | RTS-SEP23 |
RUSS-JUN23 | 11/06/2023 | 16/06/2023 | RUSS-SEP23 |
SPMIB-JUN23 | 11/06/2023 | 16/06/2023 | SPMIB-SEP23 |
COCOA-JUL23 | 11/06/2023 | 16/06/2023 | COCOA-SEP23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 18 May 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 21 of May 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
COPP-MAY23 | 21/05/2023 | 26/05/2023 | COPP-JUL23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 12 May 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 14 of May 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-MAY23 | 14/05/2023 | 19/05/2023 | AEX-JUN23 |
IBEX-MAY23 | 14/05/2023 | 19/05/2023 | IBEX-JUN23 |
VIX-MAY23 | 14/05/2023 | 17/05/2023 | VIX-JUN23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 05 May 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 07 of May 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
CORN-MAY23 | 07/05/2023 | 12/05/2023 | CORN-JUL23 |
RICE-MAY23 | 07/05/2023 | 12/05/2023 | RICE-JUL23 |
SBEAN-MAY23 | 07/05/2023 | 12/05/2023 | SBEAN-JUL23 |
WHEAT-MAY23 | 07/05/2023 | 12/05/2023 | WHEAT-JUL23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 02 May 2023
Upcoming Holiday: UK Bank Holiday 2023
Instrument | Friday, May 05 | Monday, May 08 | Tuesday, May 09 |
ALUMINUM | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COPPER | Regular | Closed | Regular |
LEAD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
NICKEL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
TIN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
ZINC | Regular | Closed | Regular |
FTSE Futures/Spot | Regular | Closed | Regular |
JSE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 | Regular | 14:30-20:00 (late open) | Regula |
COFFEE | Regular | 14:30-20:30 (late open) | Regula |
COCOA | Regular | 14:30-20:30 (late open) | Regula |
Equities - London | Regular | Closed | Regula |
Date: 24 April 2023
Upcoming Holiday: Labor Day+UK Early Bank Holiday 2023
Instrument | Friday, April 28 | Monday, May 01 | Tuesday, May 02 |
ALUMINUM | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COPPER | Regular | Closed | Regular |
LEAD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
NICKEL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
TIN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
ZINC | Regular | Closed | Regular |
FTSE Futures/Spot | Regular | Closed | Regular |
EBUND | Regular | Closed | Regular |
AEX | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SPMIB | Regular | Closed | Regular |
IBEX | Regular | Closed | Regular |
HANG | Regular | Closed | Regular |
JSE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
Equities - Milano, Frankfurt, Madrid, London, Switzerland, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Helsinki, Warsaw, Stockholm | Regular | Closed | Regula |
GER30 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
Date: 21 April 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 23 of April 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-APR23 | 04/23/2023 | 04/27/2023 | HANG-MAY23 |
HOIL-MAY23 | 04/23/2023 | 04/28/2023 | HOIL-JUN23 |
LCATT-APR23 | 04/23/2023 | 04/28/2023 | LCATT-JUN23 |
PLAT-APR23 | 04/23/2023 | 04/26/2023 | PLAT-JUL23 |
RBOB-MAY23 | 04/23/2023 | 04/28/2023 | RBOB-JUN23 |
SUG11-MAY23 | 04/23/2023 | 04/28/2023 | SUG11-JUL23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 14 April 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 16 of April 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-APR23 | 04/16/2023 | 04/21/2023 | AEX-MAY23 |
IBEX-APR23 | 04/16/2023 | 04/21/2023 | IBEX-MAY23 |
VIX-APR23 | 04/16/2023 | 04/19/2023 | VIX-MAY23 |
COFFE-MAY23 | 04/16/2023 | 04/19/2023 | COFFE-JUL23 |
COTT-MAY23 | 04/16/2023 | 04/21/2023 | COTT-JUL23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 07 April 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 09 of April 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
COCOA-MAY23 | 04/09/2023 | 04/14/2023 | COCOA-JUL23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 30 March 2023
Upcoming Holiday: Good Friday & Easter Monday 2023
Instrument | Thursday, April 06 | Friday, April 07 | Monday, April 10 |
HOIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | Closed | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COPP | Regular | Closed | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | 01:00-16:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | 12:00-18:15 (Late Open & Early Close) | Regular |
VIX | Regular | 01:00-16:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late Open) |
COFFE | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late Open) |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late Open) |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
CORN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regula |
RICE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
FTSE100 | Regular | Closedr | Regular |
GER30 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
NQ100 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
UK_OIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
Date: 24 March 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 26 of March 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-MAR23 | 03/26/2023 | 03/30/2023 | HANG-APR23 |
MSCIS-MAR23 | 03/26/2023 | 03/30/2023 | MACIS-JUN23 |
COPP-MAR23 | 03/26/2023 | 03/29/2023 | COP-MAY23 |
HOIL-APR23 | 03/26/2023 | 03/31/2023 | HOIL-MAY23 |
PALLAD-MAR23 | 03/26/2023 | 03/29/2023 | PALLAD-JUN23 |
RBOB-APR23 | 03/26/2023 | 03/31/2023 | RBOB-MAY23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 10 March 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 12 of March 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/17/2023 | AEX-APR23 |
IBEX-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/17/2023 | IBEX-APR23 |
JSE-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/16/2023 | JSE-JUN23 |
RTS-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/16/2023 | RTS-JUN23 |
RUSS-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/17/2023 | RUSS-JUN23 |
SPMIB-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/17/2023 | SPMIB-JUN23 |
USNDX-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/13/2023 | USNDX-JUN23 |
VIX-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/22/2023 | VIX-APR23 |
CORN-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/14/2023 | CORN-MAY23 |
RICE-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/14/2023 | RICE-MAY23 |
SBEAN-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/14/2023 | SBEAN-MAY23 |
WHEAT-MAR23 | 03/12/2023 | 03/14/2023 | WHEAT-MAY23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 08 March 2023
Be informed that the following instruments are available on our trading platforms
–Dell Technologies Inc (DELL) – https://www.dell.com/en-us
–Consolidated Edison Inc (ED) – https://www.conedison.com/en/
–Illinois Tool Works Inc (ITW) – https://www.itw.com/
–Nordstrom Inc(JWN) – https://press.nordstrom.com/
–Kohl’s Corp (KSS) – https://www.kohls.com/
–Macy’s Inc (MACYS) – https://www.macysinc.com/
–Target Corporation (TARGET) – https://corporate.target.com/
Date: 24 February 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 26 of February 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-FEB23 | 02/26/2023 | 02/27/2023 | HANG-MAR23 |
HOIL-MAR23 | 02/26/2023 | 02/28/2023 | HOIL-APR23 |
LCATT-FEB23 | 02/26/2023 | 02/28/2023 | LCATT-APR23 |
RBOB-MAR23 | 02/26/2023 | 02/28/2023 | RBOB-APR23 |
SUG-MAR23 | 02/26/2023 | 02/28/2023 | SUG-MAY23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 13 February 2023
Upcoming Holiday: US President’s Day 2023
Instrument | Friday, February 17 | Monday, February 20 | Tuesday, February 21 |
HOIL | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COPP | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Regular | Regular |
VIX | Regular | 01:00-18:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COFFE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
CORN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regula |
RICE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
FTSE100 | Regular | Regular | Regular |
GER30 | Regular | Regular | Regular |
NQ100 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | 01:00-21:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | 01:00-21:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
UK_OIL | Regular | 01:00-21:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
Date: 10 February 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 12 of February 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-FEB23 | 02/12/2023 | 02/17/2023 | AEX-MAR23 |
IBEX-FEB23 | 02/12/2023 | 02/17/2023 | IBEX-MAR23 |
VIX-FEB23 | 02/12/2023 | 02/15/2023 | VIX-MAR23 |
COFFE-MAR23 | 02/12/2023 | 02/16/2023 | COFFE-MAY23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 27 January 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 29 of January 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-JAN23 | 01/29/2023 | 01/30/2023 | HANG-FEB23 |
HOIL-FEB23 | 01/29/2023 | 01/31/2023 | HOIL-MAR23 |
RBOB-FEB23 | 01/29/2023 | 01/31/2023 | RBOB-MAR23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 20 January 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 22 of January 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
PLAT-JAN23 | 01/22/2023 | 01/27/2023 | PLAT-APR23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 13 January 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 15 of January 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-JAN23 | 01/15/2023 | 01/20/2023 | AEX-FEB23 |
IBEX-JAN23 | 01/15/2023 | 01/20/2023 | IBEX-FEB23 |
VIX-JAN23 | 01/15/2023 | 01/18/2023 | VIX-FEB23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 11 January 2023
Upcoming Holiday: Martin Luther King Day 2023
Instrument | Friday, January 13 | Monday, January 16 | Tuesday, January 17 |
HOIL | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COPP | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Regular | Regular |
VIX | Regular | 01:00-18:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COFFE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
CORN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regula |
RICE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
FTSE100 | Regular | Regula | Regular |
GER30 | Regular | Regula | Regular |
NQ100 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | 01:00-21:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | 01:00-21:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
UK_OIL | Regular | Regular | Regular |
Date: 09 January 2023
Please be advised that:
As of 08 of January 2023 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
RICE-JAN23 | 01/08/2023 | 01/13/2023 | RICE-MAR23 |
SBEAN-JAN23 | 01/08/2023 | 01/13/2022 | SBEAN-MAR23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 22 December 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 25 of December 2022 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-DEC22 | 12/25/2022 | 12/29/2022 | HANG-JAN23 |
MSCIS-DEC22 | 12/25/2022 | 12/29/2022 | MSCIS-MAR23 |
NIFTY-DEC22 | 12/25/2022 | 12/29/2022 | NIFTY-MAR23 |
COPP-DEC22 | 12/25/2022 | 12/28/2022 | COPP-MAR23 |
LCATT-DEC22 | 12/25/2022 | 12/30/2022 | LCATT-FEB23 |
PALLAD-DEC22 | 12/25/2022 | 12/28/2022 | PALLAD-MAR23 |
HOIL-JAN23 | 12/25/2022 | 12/30/2022 | HOIL-FEB23 |
RBOB-JAN23 | 12/25/2022 | 12/30/2022 | RBOB-FEB23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 15 December 2022
Upcoming Holiday: Christmas 2022
Instrument | Friday, December 23 | Monday, December 26 | Tuesday, December 27 |
HOIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | Closed | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COPP | Regular | Closed | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | Closed | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Closed | Regular |
VIX | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late Open) |
COFFE | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late Open)r |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late Open) |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | 14:30-20:30 (Late Open) |
CORN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regula |
RICE | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:20 (Late Open) |
FTSE100 | 03:00-14:50 (Early Close) | Closed | Closed |
GER30 | 01:00-11:50 (Early Close) | Closed | 02:15-24:00 (Late Open) |
NQ100 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SPX500 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WS30 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
XNGUSD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
UK_OIL | 03:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Closed | Regular |
Date: 09 December 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 11 of December 2022 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
AEX-DEC22 | 12/11/2022 | 12/16/2022 | AEX-JAN23 |
IBEX-DEC22 | 12/11/2022 | 12/16/2022 | IBEX-JAN23 |
JSE-DEC22 | 12/11/2022 | 12/15/2022 | JSE-MAR23 |
RUSS-DEC22 | 12/11/2022 | 12/16/2022 | RUSS-MAR23 |
SPMIB-DEC22 | 12/11/2022 | 12/16/2022 | SPMIB-MAR23 |
CORN-DEC22 | 12/11/2022 | 12/14/2022 | CORN-MAR23 |
WHEAT-DEC22 | 12/11/2022 | 12/14/2022 | WHEAT-MAR23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 02 December 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 04 of December 2022 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
TOPIX-DEC22 | 12/04/2022 | 12/09/2022 | TOPIX-MAR22 |
USNDX-DEC22 | 12/04/2022 | 12/12/2022 | USNDX-MAR23 |
EBUND-DEC22 | 12/04/2022 | 12/08/2022 | EBUND-MAR23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 18 November 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 20 of November 2022 at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
COTT2-DEC22 | 11/20/2022 | 11/22/2022 | COTT2-MAR23 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Upcoming Holiday: Thanksgiving 2022
Instrument | Wednesday, November 23 | Thursday, November 24 | Friday, November 25 |
HOIL | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:45 (Early Close) |
RBOB | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:45 (Early Close) |
PALLAD | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:45 (Early Close) |
COPP | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:45 (Early Close) |
PLAT | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:45 (Early Close) |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:45 (Early Close) |
RUSS | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:45 (Early Close) |
USNDX | Regular | Regular | 01:00-20:45 (Early Close) |
VIX | Regular | 01:00-18:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COFFE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | 15:00-20:30 (Late Open/Early Close) |
CORN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-20:05 (Late Open/Early Close) |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | 16:30-20:05 (Late Open/Early Close) |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-20:05 (Late Open/Early Close) |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | 16:30-20:05 (Early Close) |
RICE | Regular | Closed | 16:30-20:05 (Late Open/Early Close) |
FTSE100 | Regular | 01:00-23:00 (Early Close) | 01:00-23:00 (Early Close) |
GER30 | Regular | 01:00-23:00 (Early Close) | 01:00-23:00 (Early Close) |
NQ100 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) |
SPX500 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) |
WS30 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) |
US_OIL | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) |
XNGUSD | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) |
UK_OIL | Regular | 01:00-20:15 (Early Close) | 03:00-20:30 (Early Close) |
Date: 03 October 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 03 of October the following instrument will be available for trading in our platform with the symbol (NTDOY): NASDAQ Other OTC – OI
Date: 23 September 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 25 of September at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HOIL-OCT22 | 09/25/2022 | 09/30/2022 | HOIL-NOV22 |
PALLAD-SEP22 | 09/25/2022 | 09/28/2022 | PALLAD-DEC22 |
RBOB-OCT22 | 09/25/2022 | 09/30/2022 | RBOB-NOV22 |
COPP-SEP22 | 09/25/2022 | 09/28/2022 | COPP-DEC22 |
SUG11-OCT22 | 09/25/2022 | 09/30/2022 | SUG11-MAR23 |
HANG-SEP22 | 09/25/2022 | 09/29/2022 | HANG-OCT22 |
MSCIS-SEP22 | 09/25/2022 | 09/29/2022 | MSCIS-DEC22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 09 September 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 11 of September at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
CORN-SEP22 | 09/11/2022 | 09/14/2022 | CORN-DEC22 |
WHEAT-SEP22 | 09/11/2022 | 09/14/2022 | WHEAT-DEC22 |
IBEX-SEP22 | 09/11/2022 | 09/16/2022 | IBEX-OCT22 |
JSE-SEP22 | 09/11/2022 | 09/16/2022 | JSE-DEC22 |
RUSS-SEP22 | 09/11/2022 | 09/16/2022 | RUSS-DEC22 |
SPMIB-SEP22 | 09/11/2022 | 09/16/2022 | SPMIB-DEC22 |
VIX-SEP22 | 09/11/2022 | 09/14/2022 | VIX-OCT22 |
RICE-SEP22 | 09/11/2022 | 09/14/2022 | RICE-NOV22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 12 August 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 14 of August at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
COFFEE-SEP22 | 08/14/2022 | 08/22/2022 | COFFEE-DEC22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 22 July 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 24 of July at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-JUL22 | 07/24/2022 | 07/28/2022 | HANG-AUG22 |
COPP-JUL22 | 07/24/2022 | 07/27/2022 | COPP-SEP22 |
HOIL-AUG22 | 07/24/2022 | 07/29/2022 | HOIL-SEP22 |
PLAT-JUL22 | 07/24/2022 | 07/27/2022 | PLAT-OCT22 |
RBOB-AUG22 | 07/24/2022 | 07/29/2022 | RBOB-SEP22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 15 July 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 17 of July at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
VIX-JUL22 | 07/17/2022 | 07/20/2022 | VIX-AUG22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 14 July 2022
Please be advised that:
Google announced it would enact a 1-for-20 split.
Meaning that every share owned by an investor will turn into twenty shares.
At the same time, Google’s stock price will be divided by 20, from about $2400 to about $120 when the split happens (the prices may change according to the closing price on Friday, July 15th).
The split-adjusted prices will start on Monday, July 18th.
Due to the split, the current GOOGLE symbol will stop before the split, meaning it will not quote anymore and won’t be tradable after the split takes place, and instead, a new symbol – GOOGLE. will be added on July 18th and will have the price corresponding with the split.
All open orders will be transfered to the new symbol with adjusted price and volume
Upcoming Holiday: US Independence Day – 04 July 2022
Instrument | Friday, July 01 | Monday, July 04 | Tuesday, July 05 |
UK_OIL | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | 01:00-21:15 (Early Close) | Regular |
NGAS | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
HOIL | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COPP | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
S&P | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
NSDQ | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
DOW | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Regular | Regular |
VIX | Regular | 01:00-18:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COFFE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
CORN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:15 (Late Open) |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:15 (Late Open) |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:05 (Late Open) |
RICE | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:15 (Late Open) |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | 16:30-21:15 (Late Open) |
Equities US | Regular | Closed | Regular |
Date: 24 June 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 26 of June at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
SUG11-JUL22 | 6/26/2022 | 6/30/2022 | SUG11-AUG22 |
HANG-JUN22 | 6/26/2022 | 6/29/2022 | HANG-JUL22 |
MSCIS-JUN22 | 6/26/2022 | 6/29/2022 | MSCIS-SEP22 |
HOIL-JUL22 | 6/26/2022 | 6/30/2022 | HOIL-AUG22 |
LCATT-JUN22 | 6/26/2022 | 6/29/2022 | LCATT-JUL22 |
PALLAD-JUN22 | 6/26/2022 | 6/28/2022 | PALLAD-SEP22 |
RBOB-JUL22 | 6/26/2022 | 6/30/2022 | RBOB-AUG22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 15 June 2022
Please be advised that:
Upcoming Holiday: US Juneteenth – 20 June 2022
Instrument | Friday, JUN 17 | Monday, JUN 20 | Tuesday, JUN 21 |
UK_OIL | Regular | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
US_OIL | Regular | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
NGAS | Regular | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
HOIL | Regular | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RBOB | Regular | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PALLAD | Regular | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COPP | Regular | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PLAT | Regular | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | 01:00-20:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
S&P | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
NSDQ | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
DOW | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
RUSS | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
USNDX | Regular | Regular | Regular |
VIX | Regular | 01:00-18:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COFFE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COTT2 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
CORN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WHEAT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
LCATT | Regular | Closed | Regular |
RICE | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
Equities US | Regular | Closed | Regular |
Date: 12 June 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 12 of June at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
IBEX-JUN22 | 6/12/2022 | 6/17/2022 | IBEX-JUL22 |
JSE-JUN22 | 6/12/2022 | 6/17/2022 | JSE-SEP22 |
RUSS-JUN22 | 6/12/2022 | 6/17/2022 | RUSS-SEP22 |
SPMIB-JUN22 | 6/12/2022 | 6/17/2022 | SPMIB-SEP22 |
VIX-JUN22 | 6/12/2022 | 6/15/2022 | VIX-JUL22 |
COCOA-JUL22 | 6/12/2022 | 6/16/2022 | COCOA-SEP22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 01 June 2022
Please be advised that:
Amazon announced it would enact a 1-for-20 split.
Meaning that every share owned by an investor will turn into twenty shares.
At the same time, Amazon’s stock price will be divided by 20, from about $2300 to about $115 when the split happens (the prices may change according to the closing price on Friday, June 3rd).
The split-adjusted prices will start on Monday, June 6th.
Due to the split, the current AMAZON symbol will stop before the split, meaning it will not quote anymore and won’t be tradable after the split takes place, and instead, a new symbol – AMAZON. will be added on June 6th and will have the price corresponding with the split.
All open orders will be transfered to the new symbol with adjusted price and volume
Upcoming Holiday: UK Bank Holiday – 02 May 2022
Instrument | Friday, April 29 | Monday, May 02 | Tuesday, May 03 |
GB100 | Regular | Closed | Regular |
FTSE Futures/Spot | Regular | Closed | Regular |
ALUMINUM | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COPPER | Regular | Closed | Regular |
LEAD | Regular | Closed | Regular |
NICKEL | Regular | Closed | Regular |
TIN | Regular | Closed | Regular |
ZINC | Regular | Closed | Regular |
Equities London | Regular | Closed | Regular |
Date: 24 March 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 27 of March at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
COPP-MAR22 | 3/27/2022 | 3/29/2022 | COPP-MAY22 |
HANG-MAR22 | 3/27/2022 | 3/30/2022 | HANG-APR22 |
MSCIS-MAR22 | 3/27/2022 | 3/30/2022 | MSCIS-JUN22 |
HOIL-APR22 | 3/27/2022 | 3/31/2022 | HOIL-MAY22 |
PALLAD-MAR22 | 3/27/2022 | 3/29/2022 | PALLAD-JUN22 |
RBOB-APR22 | 3/27/2022 | 3/31/2022 | RBOB-MAY22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 11 March 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 13 of March at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
COFFEE-MAR22 | 3/13/2022 | 3/18/2022 | COFFEE-MAY22 |
HOIL-MAR22 | 3/13/2022 | 3/18/2022 | IBEX-APR22 |
LCATT-FEB22 | 3/13/2022 | 3/18/2022 | JSE-JUN22 |
RBOB-MAR22 | 3/13/2022 | 3/18/2022 | RUSS-JUN22 |
SUG11-MAR22 | 3/13/2022 | 3/18/2022 | SPMIB-JUN22 |
SUG11-MAR22 | 3/13/2022 | 3/16/2022 | VIX-APR22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 04 March 2022
Please be informed that due to deteriorating liquidity and unexpected turbulence driven by current events in Ukraine, the following measures have taken place as of today, Friday March 4 2022:
1. Force closure of existing positions and suspending trading on the following instruments:
2. *Suspending trading on the following instruments:
*Clients are free to request to close any open positions on the suspended instruments via mail at any time, however, please note that we reserve the right to force closure of all positions with minimal or no notice if liquidity conditions continue to deteriorate further.
For clients with existing positions on commodities, please be aware that spreads may widen and financing costs (Swaps) could increase considerably.
Please be advised that:
As of 6th of March at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
CORN-MAR22 | 06/03/2022 | 14/03/2022 | CORN-MAY22 |
WHEAT-MAR22 | 06/03/2022 | 04/03/2022 | WHEAT-MAY22 |
TOPIX-MAR22 | 06/03/2022 | 11/03/20220 | TOPIX-JUN22 |
USNDX-MAR22 | 06/03/2022 | 14/03/2022 | USNDX-JUN22 |
EBUND-MAR22 | 06/03/2022 | 08/03/2022 | EBUND-JUN22 |
RICE-MAR22 | 06/03/2022 | 14/03/2022 | RICE-MAY22 |
SBEAN-MAR22 | 06/03/2022 | 14/03/2022 | SBEAN-MAY22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 24 February 2022
Please be advised that:
Due to the extreme market volatility and sharp price movements we are experiencing in Russian Ruble, the margin requirements on all RUB FX pairs have been changed as follows:
RUB Leverage | Previous | Current |
Retail | 1:20 | 1:10 |
Professional | 1:200 | 1:20 |
Please be aware that this increase in margin has affected any open positions you have and you may need to place additional funds on your account to avoid your positions being auto closed due to insufficient margin.
Upcoming Hiliday: US President Day – 21 February 2022
Instrument | Friday, Feb 18 | Monday, Feb 21 | Tuesday, Feb 22 |
NAS100 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
S&P500/US500 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
US30 | Regular | 01:00-19:45 (Early Close) | Regular |
CL (future contract) ; CrudeOil (continuous) | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
NGAS (future contract) | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
HOIL (future contract) | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
RBOB (future contract) | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PALLAD (future contract) | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COPP (future contract) | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
PLAT (future contract) | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
XAUUSD/XAGUSD/XAUEUR | Regular | 01:00-21:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
SP (future contract); S&P500 (continuous) | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
NSDQ (future contract); NSDQ100 | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
DOW (future contract); DowJones | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
NK (future contract) | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
RUSS (future contract) | Regular | 01:00-20:00 (Early Close) | Regular |
USNDX (future contract) | Regular | Regular | Regular |
VIX (future contract) | Regular | 01:00-18:30 (Early Close) | Regular |
COCOA (future contract) | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COFFE (future contract); COFFEE (continuous) | Regular | Closed | Regular |
COTT2 (future contract) | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SUG11 (future contract); SUGAR11 (continuous) | Regular | Closed | Regular |
CORN (future contract); CORN (continuous) | Regular | Closed | Regular |
WHEAT (future contract); WHEAT | Regular | 28/02/2022 | Regular |
LCATT (future contract) | Regular | 28/02/2022 | Regular |
RICE (future contract) | Regular | Closed | Regular |
SBEAN (future contract) | Regular | Closed | Regular |
Equities US | Regular | Closed | Regular |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 18 February 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 20 of February at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-FEB22 | 20/02/2022 | 25/02/2022 | HANG-MAR22 |
HOIL-MAR22 | 20/02/2022 | 28/02/2022 | HOIL-APR22 |
LCATT-FEB22 | 20/02/2022 | 25/02/2022 | LCATT-APR22 |
RBOB-MAR22 | 20/02/2022 | 28/02/2022 | RBOB-APR22 |
SUG11-MAR22 | 20/02/2022 | 28/02/2022 | SUG11-MAY22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 11 February 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 13 of February at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
IBEX-FEB22 | 13/02/2022 | 18/02/2022 | IBEX-MAR22 |
VIX-FEB22 | 13/02/2022 | 16/02/2022 | VIX-MAR22 |
COTT2-MAR22 | 13/02/2022 | 18/02/2022 | COTT2-APR22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 04 February 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 06 of Februaryat 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
COCOA-MAR22 | 06/02/2022 | 11/02/2022 | COCOA-MAY22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 21:00 GMT+2.
Date: 21 January 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 23 of January at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
Expiring Contracts | Closing Date | Expiration Date | New Contract |
HANG-JAN22 | 23/01/2022 | 28/01/2022 | HANG-FEB22 |
HOIL-FEB22 | 23/01/2022 | 31/01/2022 | HOIL-MAR22 |
RBOB-FEB22 | 23/01/2022 | 31/01/2022 | RBOB-MAR22 |
PLAT-JAN22 | 23/01/2022 | 27/01/2022 | PLAT-APR22 |
* Any positions still open on the expiring contracts will be liquidated at market price on the expiration date after 23:00 GMT+2.
Date: 07 Januray 2022
Please be advised that:
As of 09 of January at 23:59 GMT+2, the following expiring contracts will only be available for closing positions until expiration date and the new contracts will be available for trading on a regular basis.
TRY Leverage | Previous | Current |
Retail | 1:20 | 1:10 |
Professional | 1:200 | 1:20 |
* Please be aware that this increase in margin has affected any open positions you have and you may need to place additional funds on your account to avoid your positions being auto closed due to insufficient margin.
Vi har mer än 8 års erfarenhet
Adress: Ellinas House 5th Floor, 85 Limassol Avenue, Aglantzia 2121, Nicosia, Cypern
E-post: [email protected]
Telefon: +357 25 123 281
Arbetstid: 9 AM GMT +2 – 10 PM GMT + 2
VARNING FÖR RISKFYLLD INVESTERING: CFD:er är komplexa instrument med hög risk för snabba förluster på grund av hävstången. 67.50 % av alla icke-professionella investerare förlorar pengar när de investerar i CFD:er hos denna leverantör. Du bör överväga om du förstår hur CFD:er fungerar och om du har råd att ta den höga risken att förlora pengar. Klicka här för att läsa vår Riskfriskrivning. EzInvest är handelsnamnet på WGM Services Lid, ett företag inom finansiell service under kontroll av Cyperns Börskommission (CySEC) med licensnummer 203/13. WGM Services Ltd huvudkontor ligger på Ellinas House 5th Floor, 85 Limassol Avenue, Aglantzia 2121, Nicosia, Cypern. Informationen och de tjänster som återfinns på denna webbplats är inte menad för personer bosatta i USA eller Kanada.
Riskvarning: CFD:er är komplexa instrument och medför en hög risk att förlora pengar snabbt på grund av hävstång. 67.50 % av alla icke-professionella klienter förlorar pengar när de handlar med CFD:er genom denna leverantör. Du bör överväga om du förstår hur CFD:er fungerar och om du har råd att ta den höga risken att förlora pengar.